Digital Conversations

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What social media do you need?

What social media do you need? If you are starting out on social it can be very confusing working out what social media platforms you need to use for your business. For less than a cup of coffee you can get a few answers to get you started. Available at Amazon ...

Where do I start with digital?

What I love about digital is the massive scope and opportunities made available to anyone, anywhere, anytime to promote your product. Sometimes this can be overwhelming due to the shear volume of choice. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming if you remember a few basic rules. Keep it simple – ...

What not to do when implementing digital strategies

The new digital world has created unlimited new opportunities for businesses to market to its customers. The amount of choice can however overwhelm many people causing a lack of action as they simply don’t know where to start.  Whilst creating a workable strategy is the first step, the most important ...

The one thing I loooove about Facebook (especially at Xmas)

The one thing I loooove about Facebook (especially at Xmas) Facebook is one of those channels that gets a lot of criticism. But there is one thing that I loooove about Facebook. And here it is….. It’s a connector. It connects long lost friends….. It connects friends travelling ….. It connects families ….. It connects the ...

Digital Snoozefest – Stop putting your audience to sleep

[av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9'] Gone are the days you can just put a post on social and get results. You need to put some time & effort in order to get results. Here are some tips to get you started [av_button label='Start the Digital Conversation with me' link='manually,https://' link_target='' size='x-large' position='left' ...

How to use your biggest asset to amplify your reach

[av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9'] Your staff have digital profiles which is a great opportunity to amplify your brands reach to more of your target audience. [av_button label='Connect Me about a Brand Employee Strategy' link='manually,https://' link_target='' size='x-large' position='left' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff']