Digital Conversations

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The power of THANK YOU in business

When I was growing up I was taught to always say please and thank you. I was constantly reminded to say those words and why they were important. After all, this is basic manners, right? A simple thank you is the most basic form of politeness, recognized all over the world. It’s ...

Why Yappy Hour makes pawfect sense

Yappy Hour is part learning, part puppy therapy. During Yappy Hour you can interact, cuddle and play with my dogs whilst at the same time I teach you some digital stuff to help you upskill. It's a digital marketing workshop with dogs. As Chief of Everything at Digital Conversations, I ...

You are selling attention

Marketing is all about selling attention. Attention, eyeballs and visibility on your brand. How do you get it? Why do you want it? When do you want it? Who do you want it from? The average attention span of a human is 7 seconds. That is less than the attention span ...

Real Life Digital Mistakes & How to Overcome Them Series #4

As part of the Real-life Digital F**Ups Series here is another one that is, unfortunately, way too common. (often thanks to some dodgy SEO salespeople offering all sorts of promises) Search engine marketing can be very effective and powerful for some businesses HOWEVER do not spend money driving traffic to your ...